High-quality feminine women's shoes in large sizes
The choice of feminine shoes is the opportunity to live our femininity in every facet, to come into our very own size and to express our femininity and beauty. Being a woman with a shoe size 42, shoe size 43, shoe size 44, shoe size 45, shoe size 46 has one thing in common - we are all equally feminine, we are all equally beautiful. And that is precisely why it is so important to bring high-quality women's shoes in plus sizes into the world, to wear them in the world.
Fashionable feminine shoes for tall women that are the perfect little black dress in your shoe cabinet. - High quality and durable. High-quality and durable is the new sustainable.
Our feet carry us through the world all our lives. Our feet are our connection to Mother Earth. Our feet keep us in balance. Our feet give us stability and a firm footing. And our feet should be worth dressing them in really beautiful, high-quality leather shoes.
For us tall women, we need larger shoes. Shoes that are perfectly tailored to our size. Models and designs that flatter our proportions and skilfully accentuate them.
Every single model from Kathis shoes, every shoe is designed and created for and to the perfect proportions for women with large feet. So that they can express your very own beauty.